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Through our 24/7 supported living service, we work with our clients on a personal level – getting to know their likes/dislikes – all with an aim of supporting individuals through gentle encouragement and positive support to become independent. Family and support networks are encouraged to participate in this process (with the client’s consent) and we continuously work with individuals to improve how their support is delivered.


What we offer


Our experience is rooted in providing care and support to individuals who not only have learning difficulties but also live with a range of other disabilities/impairments such as mental health challenges, physical impairments and dementia. However, exclusively for this support
at home service we offer:


  • Support with household tasks such as cleaning and cooking – including assistance from highly trained staff to (re)learn these skills

  • Advice regarding tenancy arrangements, budgeting, benefit applications/appeals and property management 

  • Support to develop skills regarding personal hygiene and nutrition

  • Personal care such as toileting, bathing and dressing – all delivered discretely and respectfully, in a way the customer is comfortable with.

  • Assistance to remain in the community

  • Bespoke and flexible support to access the community through education, training, volunteering and hobbies

  • Assistance to identify areas of interest in the community such as sports groups, day centres, theatres etc.

  • Encouragement and assistance to access local facilities such as shops, cinemas bars etc., with support provided to plan routes and transport to locations.


This list is not exhaustive, and we are happy to discuss additional requirements on an
individual basis.

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